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Employability and Skills

URAFIKI’s employability and skills programme was set up by the team to encourage long-term, sustainable change in Yala. The cycle of poverty stems back to people leaving school at a young age with little to no professional skills and having children when they are just children themselves. Often turning to a life of alcohol seems like the only option.  


With your sponsorships, the URAFIKI team can continue developing courses to run at the community centre.  Courses include carpentry, hairdressing and beauty, sewing and tailoring, all of which provide people with the skills needed for employment. As people find jobs their family living standard improves and so does the attitude of the community to learning a trade.

Petronilla's Success Story

When Petronilla Anemba was 14, her father told her that, because she was a girl, she was not allowed to go to secondary school. Without an education, Petronilla could not support herself and was in grave danger of being forced into an early marriage. Desperate for help, Petronilla’s mother approached the team and asked if there was any way her daughter could learn a trade.


Thanks to sponsors, Petronilla has learnt to sew at the community centre. She has helped make school uniforms for orphans and vulnerable children and takes great pride in her work. The scheme has been life-changing for Petronilla and she now has hope for the future.

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